to the Pinks' travel blog.
So, we have 18 days left until we fly the 10,252 miles to Brisbane. Those of you to know us, would think that Kate is already packed and has repacked her bag about 10 times! Well, you'd be pleasantly surprised that we are far from organised and are still needing to condense our vast wardrobes down to 5 outfits, a corporate outfit (for interviews) and a going-out outfit (essential for the all important pub crawls). Fear not though readers, we have been busy seeing friends and family, de-cluttering our rooms, numerous calls to get phones unlocked and cancelling various direct debits.
I won't bore you with anymore "admin" talk. But tune in soon to hear of our many packing escapades leading up to "D Day" where Mother Pink is sure to be crying on our departure.
Pinkies out