So, after nearly being back for 11 weeks, it's almost time for us to leave this awesome country and go back home to the cold (I'm definitely not looking forward to the cold!).
In the 7 weeks since I posted (and we were in cold Tasmania), we have managed to do a lot of things. We've been to Alice Springs and took part in a 3 day trip to Uluru with an awesome group of people. We hiked, slept under the stars, had dinner cooked in a campfire, saw Uluru at sunset and sunrise, and walked around the base of Uluru (as it is disrespectful to climb Uluru itself).
After our Uluru trip and staying at Alice Springs, we traveled to Darwin. It was our first experience using Greyhound. The trip took 22 hours and we were grateful when we got to our hostel so we could shower and sleep in a bed. After spending 4 days in Darwin, we picked up our camper, Mildred, from Wicked Campers (I don't think we stuck out too much, do you?).
We had Mildred for 29 days and traveled from Darwin down to Perth. It was an experience as we had to deal with kangaroos, emus and an echidna walking in front of the camper whilst doing our top speed of 80kmph. All of the campsites we encountered were friendly and all had their quirks. The campsite in Kununara even had a resident crocodile. We had an adventure whilst traveling around Kalbarri National Park. There were parts of unsealed road and at times I was surprised nothing fell off of poor old Mildred. In the time we had her, we were very lucky, being able to see national parks and wild life in such a sparsely populated state. You could drive for about 6 hours before you came to another town and waving at passing cars/trucks/campers became common practice.
We planned our itinerary day by day so towards the end of our adventures, we ended up having 5 days to play around with before we needed to drop Mildred off in Perth. We therefore decided to see Fremantle and booked 2 nights at a campsite there. We took full advantage of the free bus service they had there which was a 10 minute walk from the campsite, which enabled me to enjoy a cider or 2 at the Little Creatures brewery. We also stayed for 3 nights just outside of Perth and had a surf lesson (where I think I drank most of the ocean!), had an hour session on a jet ski (I of course did all of the driving as Kate wasn't that confident), and even had a BBQ on the beach in Rockingham.
Since being back in Perth again, it has been filled with free things such as Christmas pageants, street parties and carnivals, we have been to the local bars and even been on a floating bar. We have done self-guided walks, been to an Anzac memorial and the Bell Tower and of course, even partaken in some shopping (fingers crossed it all fits into my bag!).
So, I know we haven't published many updates on here, the only excuse we have is that we have been having too much fun experiencing things.
Unfortunately this is it for the blog for this year, but stayed tune for more Pink adventures next year, as there will be a few.
Wishing you all a lovely festive season.
Pinkies out :)