Monday 11 January 2016

Only 5 days to go .......

So today is our last Monday in the UK!  This time next week we will have landed in sunny Brisbane.  

The last couple of days have been quite emotional saying goodbye to family and friends and myself (Emily) turning the grand old age of 29! (only 363 days until I turn the big 30, as everyone keeps reminding me!)  We had a lovely surprise party on Saturday night (I cried AT LEAST 3 times), thank you all for coming and for all of our lovely leaving presents.  For those of you who are not on Facebook (and there are a few), here are some pictures from Saturday night. 

You will pleased to know that packing has (finally) commenced.  Though I do get Kate asking me every day "what are you taking" and her asking advice on her wardrobe (do I look like I following fashion?  As long as it fits and is comfy, that is as far as my advice goes).

Mother Pink is getting better with the Skyping.  Have had a few sessions now and she even has an email address!  Next thing we'll know she will be buying up everything on Amazon and has advertised our rooms for rent.  

And so comes the end of our last entry in the UK (sob).  Check back soon to hear that we have landed safely in Oz and what jobs we will be doing.

Pinkies out